function varargout = PreprocMRI(varargin) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Reads MRI data into Fieldtrip and runs preprocessing. % % See: "help ft_read_mri" for supported filetypes. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Michael J. Cheung % % This file is a part of the MEG & PLS Pipeline (MEGPLS). For more % details, see the documentation included with the software package. % % MEGPLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under % the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by % the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope % that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the % implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. % See the GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along % with this program. If not, you can download the license here: % . % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 21-Aug-2014 12:07:40 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @PreprocMRI_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @PreprocMRI_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT %--- Executes just before PreprocMRI is made visible. ---% %--------------------------------------------------------% function PreprocMRI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to PreprocMRI (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for PreprocMRI handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % Make sure toolbox paths are added: [PipelineDir, ~, ~] = fileparts(which('PreprocMRI.m')); addpath(genpath(PipelineDir)); rmpath([PipelineDir,'/DEFAULT_SETTINGS']); % Make sure its calling from AnalysisID rmpath([PipelineDir,'/TEMPORARY_FIXES']); % Make sure its calling from FT toolbox CheckToolboxPaths(PipelineDir); if exist('ErrorLog_PreprocMRI.txt', 'file') delete('ErrorLog_PreprocMRI.txt'); end % Initialize variables: handles.paths.Rootpath = []; handles.paths.AnatID = []; = []; handles.paths.CurrentGroupID = []; = []; = []; handles.gui.Status = []; handles.paths.AnatFolder = []; handles.paths.AnatFile = []; handles.paths.AnatFullpath = []; handles.paths.PreprocMRI = []; handles.FTcfg = []; handles.gui.ShowInstruct = 1; % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes PreprocMRI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); %--- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. ---% %--------------------------------------------------------------------% function varargout = PreprocMRI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; %===================================% % FUNCTIONS FOR SELECTING ROOTPATH: % %===================================% %--- Executes on button press in ButtonSetRootpath. ---% %------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonSetRootpath_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ~isempty( prompt = {'WARNING:'; 'Changing root directory will clear all current settings.'; ''; 'Do you wish to continue?'}; ChangeDir = questdlg(prompt, 'WARNING:', 'YES', 'NO', 'NO'); if strcmp(ChangeDir, 'NO') return; end end % Select and set rootpath: SelectedPath = uigetdir; if SelectedPath == 0 return; % If user cancels end % Check if selected path has spaces (AFNI functions cannot read spaces): CheckSpaces = strfind(SelectedPath, ' '); if ~isempty(CheckSpaces) message = {'Error: Target directory selected contains spaces.'; 'AFNI functions cannot read folder & file paths with spaces.'; 'AFNI functions are required for file conversions later on.'}; msgbox(message, 'Error:') return; end handles.paths.Rootpath = SelectedPath; set(handles.TextboxRootpath, 'String', handles.paths.Rootpath); % Start Waitbox: WaitBox = StartWaitBox('SETTING TARGET DIRECTORY:'); % Reset AnatID: = []; handles.paths.AnatID = []; set(handles.TextboxAnatID, 'String', 'None Selected'); % Reset GroupID: = []; handles.paths.CurrentGroupID = []; set(handles.TextboxGroupID, 'String', 'None Selected'); % Reset settings & GUI panels: handles = ResetSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = ResetInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = ResetStatusSettings (handles); handles = ResetPreprocSettings (handles); % Update settings & GUI panels (to enable/disable): handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); close(WaitBox); %--- Textbox to display selected Rootpath: ---% %---------------------------------------------% function TextboxRootpath_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) EnteredText = get(handles.TextboxRootpath, 'String'); if ~isequal(EnteredText, handles.paths.Rootpath) set(handles.TextboxRootpath, 'String', handles.paths.Rootpath); msgbox('Note: Use button to change Rootpath.') end %===========================================% % FUNCTIONS FOR CREATING OR LOADING ANATID: % %===========================================% %--- Executes on button press in ButtonCreateAnatID. ---% %-------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonCreateAnatID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty(handles.paths.Rootpath) msgbox('Warning: Select root directory first.', 'Warning:'); return; end % Enter name of AnatID: UserInput = inputdlg('Enter AnatID name:', 'Create new AnatID:'); UserInput = deblank(UserInput); UserInput = regexprep(UserInput, '\s+', '_'); if isempty(char(UserInput)) return; % If user cancels end PathInputID = [handles.paths.Rootpath,'/AnatID_',UserInput{1}]; if exist(PathInputID, 'dir') msgbox('Error: Specified AnatID already exists!', 'Error:') return; end % Set AnatID & create folder: status = mkdir(PathInputID); if status == 1 % If mkdir successful = UserInput{1}; handles.paths.AnatID = PathInputID; set(handles.TextboxAnatID, 'String',; else msgbox('Error: Failed to create AnatID folder.', 'Error:') return; end % Start Waitbox: WaitBox = StartWaitBox('CREATING ANAT ID:'); % Reset GroupID: = []; handles.paths.CurrentGroupID = []; set(handles.TextboxGroupID, 'String', []); % Reset settings & GUI panels: handles = ResetSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = ResetInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = ResetStatusSettings (handles); handles = ResetPreprocSettings (handles); % Update settings & GUI panels (to enable/disable): handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); close(WaitBox); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonLoadAnatID. ---% %-----------------------------------------------------% function ButtonLoadAnatID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty(handles.paths.Rootpath) msgbox('Warning: Select root directory first.', 'Warning:'); return; end % Get AnatID folders in current rootpath: DetectedFolders = dir([handles.paths.Rootpath,'/AnatID_*']); RemoveIndex = []; for d = 1:length(DetectedFolders) if DetectedFolders(d).isdir ~= 1 RemoveIndex = [RemoveIndex, d]; % Get unwanted indices end end DetectedFolders(RemoveIndex) = []; if isempty(DetectedFolders) msgbox('Error: No AnatID folders detected inside root dir.', 'Error:'); return; end % List AnatID folders for selection: DetectedFolders = {}; SelectedIndex = listdlg('PromptString', 'Select AnatID to load:',... 'ListSize', [300, 300], 'SelectionMode', 'single', 'ListString', DetectedFolders); if isempty(SelectedIndex) return; % If user cancels. end SelectedAnatID = DetectedFolders{SelectedIndex}; SelectedAnatID(1:7) = []; % Remove "AnatID_" prefix to get AnatID suffix. FullpathAnatID = [handles.paths.Rootpath,'/AnatID_',SelectedAnatID]; % Set as current AnatID: = SelectedAnatID; handles.paths.AnatID = FullpathAnatID; set(handles.TextboxAnatID, 'String',; % Start Waitbox: WaitBox = StartWaitBox('LOADING ANAT ID:'); % Reset GroupID: = []; handles.paths.CurrentGroupID = []; set(handles.TextboxGroupID, 'String', []); % Reset settings & GUI panels: handles = ResetSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = ResetInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = ResetStatusSettings (handles); handles = ResetPreprocSettings (handles); % Update settings & GUI panels (to enable/disable): handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); close(WaitBox); %--- Textbox to display current AnatID: ---% %------------------------------------------% function TextboxAnatID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) EnteredText = get(handles.TextboxAnatID, 'String'); if ~isequal(EnteredText, set(handles.TextboxAnatID, 'String',; msgbox('Note: Use button to change AnatID.') end %===========================================% % FNCTIONS FOR CREATING OR LOADING GROUPID: % %===========================================% %--- Executes on button press in ButtonCreateGroupID. ---% %--------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonCreateGroupID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty(handles.paths.Rootpath) msgbox('Warning: Select root directory first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.AnatID) msgbox('Warning: Create or load AnatID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end % Enter name of GroupID: UserInput = inputdlg('Enter GroupID name:', 'Create new GroupID:'); UserInput = deblank(UserInput); UserInput = regexprep(UserInput, '\s+', '_'); if isempty(char(UserInput)) return; % If user cancels end PathInputID = [handles.paths.AnatID,'/GroupID_',UserInput{1}]; if exist(PathInputID, 'dir') msgbox('Error: Specified GroupID already exists for this AnatID.', 'Error:') return; end % Set GroupID and create folder: status = mkdir(PathInputID); if status == 1 % If mkdir successful = UserInput{1}; handles.paths.CurrentGroupID = PathInputID; set(handles.TextboxGroupID, 'String',; else msgbox('Error: Failed to create GroupID folder.', 'Error:') return; end % Start Waitbox: WaitBox = StartWaitBox('CREATING GROUP ID:'); % Reset settings & GUI panels: handles = ResetSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = ResetInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = ResetStatusSettings (handles); handles = ResetPreprocSettings (handles); % Update settings & GUI panels (to enable/disable): handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); close(WaitBox); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonLoadGroupID. ---% %------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonLoadGroupID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty(handles.paths.Rootpath) msgbox('Warning: Select root directory first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.AnatID) msgbox('Warning: Create or load AnatID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end % Acquire GroupID folders for current AnatID: DetectedFolders = dir([handles.paths.AnatID,'/GroupID_*']); RemoveIndex = []; for g = 1:length(DetectedFolders) if DetectedFolders(g).isdir ~= 1 RemoveIndex = [RemoveIndex, g]; % Get unwanted indices end end DetectedFolders(RemoveIndex) = []; if isempty(DetectedFolders) msgbox('Error: No GroupID folders were detected for current AnatID.', 'Error:'); return; end % List detected GroupID folders for selection: DetectedFolders = {}; SelectedIndex = listdlg('PromptString', 'Select GroupID to load:',... 'ListSize', [300, 300], 'SelectionMode', 'single', 'ListString', DetectedFolders); if isempty(SelectedIndex) return; % If user cancels end SelectedGroupID = DetectedFolders{SelectedIndex}; SelectedGroupID(1:8) = []; % Remove "GroupID_" prefix to get GroupID. % Set as current GroupID: = SelectedGroupID; handles.paths.CurrentGroupID = [handles.paths.AnatID,'/GroupID_',SelectedGroupID]; set(handles.TextboxGroupID, 'String',; % Start Waitbox: WaitBox = StartWaitBox('LOADING GROUP ID:'); % Reset settings & GUI panels: handles = ResetSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = ResetInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = ResetStatusSettings (handles); handles = ResetPreprocSettings (handles); % Load PreprocInputMRI .mat for GroupID if available: PreprocInputMat = [handles.paths.CurrentGroupID,... '/PreprocInputMRI_',,'.mat']; if exist(PreprocInputMat, 'file') LoadedMat = load(PreprocInputMat); handles = LoadSubjIDSettings (handles, LoadedMat); handles = LoadInputAnatSettings (handles, LoadedMat); else message = {'WARNING:'; 'PreprocInputMRI .mat file not found for GroupID.'; 'SubjIDs and input MRI files will need to be selected again.'}; msgbox(message, 'Warning:'); end % Update settings & GUI panels (to enable/disable): handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % Update status for all loaded subjects: StatusWaitbar = waitbar(0, ... 'Please wait. Loading files from session.', 'Windowstyle', 'modal'); for s = 1:length( waitbar(s/length(, StatusWaitbar); handles = DetectStatus(handles, s); end delete(StatusWaitbar) handles = UpdateStatusSettings(handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); close(WaitBox); %--- Textbox to display current GroupID: ---% %-------------------------------------------% function TextboxGroupID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) EnteredText = get(handles.TextboxGroupID, 'String'); if ~isequal(EnteredText, set(handles.TextboxGroupID, 'String',; msgbox('Note: Use button to change GroupID.') end %============================================% % FUNCTIONS FOR ADDING OR REMOVING SUBJECTS: % %============================================% %--- Executes on selection change in ListboxSubjID. ---% %------------------------------------------------------% function ListboxSubjID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) SelectedIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'Value', SelectedIndex); set(handles.ListboxStatus, 'Value', SelectedIndex); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); % For enable/disable guidata(hObject, handles); %--- User enters SubjID into textbox. ---% %----------------------------------------% function TextboxSubjID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) keypress = get(gcf, 'CurrentCharacter'); if isequal(keypress, char(13)) ButtonAddSubjID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); end %--- Executes on button press in ButtonAddSubjID. ---% %----------------------------------------------------% function ButtonAddSubjID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.AnatID) msgbox('Warning: Create or load AnatID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( msgbox('Warning: Create or load GroupID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end % Reads and set SubjID: InputSubjID = get(handles.TextboxSubjID, 'String'); InputSubjID = deblank(InputSubjID); InputSubjID = regexprep(InputSubjID, '\s+', '_'); InputSubjID = cellstr(InputSubjID); if isempty(InputSubjID{1}) return; end if ~isempty( && ismember(InputSubjID{1}, return; % If SubjID already added end = [; InputSubjID]; NewIndex = length(; % Initialize cells for new subject: handles.paths.AnatFolder {NewIndex} = []; handles.paths.AnatFile {NewIndex} = []; handles.paths.AnatFullpath {NewIndex} = []; handles.paths.PreprocMRI {NewIndex} = []; handles.gui.Status {NewIndex} = []; % Update GUI: handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = DetectStatus (handles, NewIndex); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % For enable/disable % Save handles: set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value', length(; if ~isempty(handles.paths.AnatFullpath) set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'Value', length(; end if ~isempty(handles.gui.Status) set(handles.ListboxStatus, 'Value', length(; end guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonRmvSubjID. ---% %----------------------------------------------------% function ButtonRmvSubjID_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( return; end SelectedIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); = []; % Remove data & status cells for removed subject: handles.paths.AnatFolder (SelectedIndex) = []; handles.paths.AnatFile (SelectedIndex) = []; handles.paths.AnatFullpath (SelectedIndex) = []; handles.paths.PreprocMRI (SelectedIndex) = []; handles.gui.Status (SelectedIndex) = []; % Update GUI: handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % For enable/disable % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Updates SubjID settings & GUI panel: ---% %--------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = UpdateSubjIDSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; % Update PreprocMRI paths (Location of FT MRIs to be read in): for s = 1:length( handles.paths.PreprocMRI{s} = ... [handles.paths.CurrentGroupID,'/',{s},'_PreprocMRI.mat']; end % Update listbox: set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'String',; CurrentIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); MaxSubjIndex = length(; if isempty(CurrentIndex) || CurrentIndex == 0 || CurrentIndex > MaxSubjIndex set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value', MaxSubjIndex); set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'Value', MaxSubjIndex); set(handles.ListboxStatus, 'Value', MaxSubjIndex); end % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %--- Load SubjID settings & GUI panel: ---% %-----------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = LoadSubjIDSettings(InputHandles, LoadedMat) handles = InputHandles; % Load SubjID and respective PreprocMRI paths: =; handles.paths.PreprocMRI = LoadedMat.paths.PreprocMRI; % Load GUI: set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'String',; set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value', 1); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); % For enable/disable % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %--- Reset SubjID settings & GUI panel: ---% %------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = ResetSubjIDSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; handles.paths.PreprocMRI = []; = []; set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'String', []); set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value', 1); % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %=============================================% % FUNCTIONS FOR MRI FILE SELECTION & DISPLAY: % %=============================================% %--- Executes on selection change in ListboxInputAnat. ---% %---------------------------------------------------------% function ListboxInputAnat_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) SelectedIndex = get(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'Value'); set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value', SelectedIndex); set(handles.ListboxStatus, 'Value', SelectedIndex); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); % For enable/disable guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Updates settings & GUI panel for input MRI files: ---% %---------------------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = UpdateInputAnatSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; % Make sure cells initialized: for s = 1:length( try handles.paths.AnatFolder{s}; handles.paths.AnatFile{s}; handles.paths.AnatFullpath{s}; catch handles.paths.AnatFolder{s} = []; handles.paths.AnatFile{s} = []; handles.paths.AnatFullpath{s} = []; end end % Update listbox: set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'String', handles.paths.AnatFullpath); % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %--- Load settings & GUI panel for input MRI files: ---% %------------------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = LoadInputAnatSettings(InputHandles, LoadedMat) handles = InputHandles; % Load input MRI files: handles.paths.AnatFolder = LoadedMat.paths.AnatFolder; handles.paths.AnatFile = LoadedMat.paths.AnatFile; handles.paths.AnatFullpath = LoadedMat.paths.AnatFullpath; % Update GUI: set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'String', handles.paths.AnatFullpath); set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'Value', 1); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); % For enable/disable % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %--- Reset settings & GUI panel for input MRI files: ---% %-------------------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = ResetInputAnatSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; % Reset input anat: handles.paths.AnatFolder = []; handles.paths.AnatFile = []; handles.paths.AnatFullpath = []; for s = 1:length( handles.paths.AnatFolder{s} = []; handles.paths.AnatFile{s} = []; handles.paths.AnatFullpath{s} = []; end % Reset GUI panel: set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'String', []); set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'Value', 1); % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %===============================% % FUNCTIONS FOR STATUS UPDATES: % %===============================% %--- Executes on selection change in ListboxStatus. ---% %------------------------------------------------------% function ListboxStatus_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) SelectedIndex = get(handles.ListboxStatus, 'Value'); set(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value', SelectedIndex); set(handles.ListboxInputAnat, 'Value', SelectedIndex); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); % For enable/disable guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonRefreshStatus. ---% %--------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonRefreshStatus_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) StatusWaitbar = waitbar(0, ... 'Please wait. Loading files from session.', 'Windowstyle', 'modal'); for s = 1:length( waitbar(s/length(, StatusWaitbar); handles = DetectStatus(handles, s); end delete(StatusWaitbar) handles = UpdateStatusSettings(handles); guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Function to acquire status: ---% %-----------------------------------% function OutputHandles = DetectStatus(InputHandles, SubjIndex) handles = InputHandles; % Get selected subject and update status. % Unlike PreprocMEG, only selected subject gets worked on, so % update on a subject-by-subject basis for efficiency. s = SubjIndex; % Check if MRI file has been selected: if isempty(handles.paths.AnatFullpath{s}) handles.gui.Status{s} = 'Select MRI file to load into FT.'; else handles.gui.Status{s} = []; end % Check if read into FT and coregistration: if exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{s}, 'file') MRIdata = LoadFTmat(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{s}, 'PreprocMRI'); if isempty(MRIdata) handles.gui.Status{s} = 'FT file detected, but could not be read. See ErrorLog.'; else DimStr = num2str(MRIdata.dim); if isfield(MRIdata, 'coordsys') Coordsys = num2str(MRIdata.coordsys); handles.gui.Status{s} = ... ['FT file detected. Coordsys: ',Coordsys,'. Dims: ',DimStr]; else handles.gui.Status{s} = ... ['FT file detected. No Coordsys found. Dims: ',DimStr]; end end end % Save as output: OutputHandles = handles; %--- Update status settings & GUI panel: ---% %-------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = UpdateStatusSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; % Make sure cells initialized: for s = 1:length( try handles.gui.Status{s}; catch handles.gui.Status{s} = []; end end % Update listbox: set(handles.ListboxStatus, 'String', handles.gui.Status); % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %--- Reset status settings & GUI panel: ---% %------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = ResetStatusSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; % Reset status: handles.gui.Status = []; for s = 1:length( handles.gui.Status{s} = []; end % Reset GUI status panel: set(handles.ListboxStatus, 'String', []); set(handles.ListboxStatus, 'Value', 1); % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %===============================================% % FUNCTIONS FOR SAVING & LOADING PREPROC INPUT: % %===============================================% %--- Executes on button press in ButtonSaveInput. ---% %----------------------------------------------------% function ButtonSaveInput_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty(handles.paths.Rootpath) msgbox('Warning: Select root directory first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.AnatID) msgbox('Warning: Create or load AnatID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( msgbox('Warning: Create or load GroupID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.PreprocMRI) msgbox('Warning: Need to specify SubjIDs.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty(handles.paths.AnatFullpath) msgbox('Warning: MRI files have not been read into FT yet.', 'Warning:') return; end % Make sure Rootpath & AnatID don't have spaces (will cause issues for AFNI later): CheckSpaces1 = strfind(handles.paths.Rootpath, ' '); CheckSpaces2 = strfind(handles.paths.AnatID, ' '); if ~isempty(CheckSpaces1) || ~isempty(CheckSpaces2) message = {'Error: Target directory or AnatID contains spaces.'; 'AFNI functions cannot read folder & file paths with spaces.'; 'AFNI functions are required for file conversions later on.'}; msgbox(message, 'Error:') return; end % Check save path: PreprocInputMat = [handles.paths.CurrentGroupID,... '/PreprocInputMRI_',,'.mat']; if exist(PreprocInputMat, 'file') prompt = {'WARNING:'; 'PreprocInputMRI .mat already exists for this GroupID.'; 'Do you wish to continue and overwrite it?'}; OverwriteMat = questdlg(prompt, 'WARNING:', 'YES', 'NO', 'NO'); if strcmp(OverwriteMat, 'NO') return; else delete(PreprocInputMat); end end % Save input parameters for current GroupID: name =; paths = handles.paths; paths = rmfield(paths, 'Rootpath'); % Rmv GUI only paths that aren't in load fcns. paths = rmfield(paths, 'AnatID'); % - These paths auto-adapt if folders moved. paths = rmfield(paths, 'CurrentGroupID'); CheckSavePath(PreprocInputMat, 'PreprocMRI'); save(PreprocInputMat, 'name', 'paths'); % Feedback: if exist(PreprocInputMat, 'file') msgbox('Current input parameters successfully saved.') else msgbox('Error: Failed to save input parameters.') end %--- Executes on button press in ButtonLoadInput. ---% %----------------------------------------------------% function ButtonLoadInput_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty(handles.paths.Rootpath) msgbox('Warning: Select root directory first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.AnatID) msgbox('Warning: Create or load AnatID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( msgbox('Warning: Create or load GroupID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end [matfile, matpath] = uigetfile([handles.paths.CurrentGroupID,... '/PreprocInputMRI_*.mat'], 'Select PreprocInputMRI .mat:', 'MultiSelect', 'off'); if matfile == 0 msgbox('Note: Load cancelled. File not selected.', 'Note:'); return; end % Reset settings & GUI panels: handles = ResetSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = ResetInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = ResetStatusSettings (handles); handles = ResetPreprocSettings (handles); % Load input settings: LoadedMat = load([matpath,matfile]); handles = LoadSubjIDSettings (handles, LoadedMat); handles = LoadInputAnatSettings (handles, LoadedMat); % Update settings & GUI panels (to enable/disable): handles = UpdateSubjIDSettings (handles); handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); % Update status for all loaded subjects: StatusWaitbar = waitbar(0, ... 'Please wait. Loading files from session.', 'Windowstyle', 'modal'); for s = 1:length( waitbar(s/length(, StatusWaitbar); handles = DetectStatus(handles, s); end delete(StatusWaitbar) handles = UpdateStatusSettings(handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); %======================================% % FUNCTIONS TO READ IN & PROCESS MRIs: % %======================================% %--- Executes on button press in ButtonReadMRItoFT. ---% %------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonReadMRItoFT_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.AnatID) msgbox('Warning: Create or load AnatID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( msgbox('Warning: Create or load GroupID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end if isempty( msgbox('Warning: Add SubjID first.', 'Warning:'); return; end % Make sure Rootpath & AnatID don't have spaces (will cause issues for AFNI later): CheckSpaces1 = strfind(handles.paths.Rootpath, ' '); CheckSpaces2 = strfind(handles.paths.AnatID, ' '); if ~isempty(CheckSpaces1) || ~isempty(CheckSpaces2) message = {'Error: Target directory or AnatID contains spaces.'; 'AFNI functions cannot read folder & file paths with spaces.'; 'AFNI functions are required for file conversions later on.'}; msgbox(message, 'Error:') return; end % Check for existing files: SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') prompt = {'Warning: PreprocMRI already exists for this SubjID.'; 'Do you wish to continue and overwrite?'}; Overwrite = questdlg(prompt, 'WARNING:', 'YES', 'NO', 'NO'); if strcmp(Overwrite, 'NO') return; end end % Select raw MRI file and read into FT: [File, Folder] = uigetfile([handles.paths.Rootpath,'/*']); if File == 0 return; % If user cancels end WaitBox = StartWaitBox('READING MRI FILE INTO FT:'); MRIdata = ft_read_mri([Folder,File]) close(WaitBox); CheckSavePath(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); save(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'MRIdata'); handles.paths.AnatFolder {SubjIndex} = Folder; handles.paths.AnatFile {SubjIndex} = File; handles.paths.AnatFullpath {SubjIndex} = [Folder,File]; % Update GUI: handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); handles = DetectStatus (handles, SubjIndex); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonClearMRI. ---% %---------------------------------------------------% function ButtonClearMRI_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( return; end % Remove FT MRI file for selected SubjID: SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') delete(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}); end if ~isempty(handles.paths.AnatFullpath) handles.paths.AnatFolder {SubjIndex} = []; handles.paths.AnatFile {SubjIndex} = []; handles.paths.AnatFullpath {SubjIndex} = []; end % Update GUI: handles = UpdateInputAnatSettings (handles); handles = UpdatePreprocSettings (handles); handles = DetectStatus (handles, SubjIndex); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonCheckTransformHand. ---% %-------------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonCheckTransformHand_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.PreprocMRI) msgbox('Warning: Add and select SubjID first.', 'Warning:') return; end % Load MRI file: SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if ~exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') msgbox('Warning: MRI file for SubjID has not been read into FT yet.', 'Warning:') return; end MRIdata = LoadFTmat(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); if isempty(MRIdata) msgbox('Error: Failed to load PreprocMRI file for SubjID. See ErrorLog.', 'Error:') return; end % Check handedness of transformation matrix: temp = det(MRIdata.transform(1:3, 1:3)); if temp < 0 message = {'Transformation matrix is left-handed.'; 'If +XYZ is also right-handed, viewer shows radiological view.'}; msgbox(message); else message = {'Transformation matrix is right-handed.'; 'If +XYZ is also right-handed, viewer shows neurological view.'}; msgbox(message); end %--- Executes on selection change in DropdownCoordsys. ---% %---------------------------------------------------------% function DropdownCoordsys_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % Note: By default, if cfg.coordsys is not specified for ft_volumerealign, % the output coordinate system will always default to "ctf" or "spm". % User specifies desired coordinate system here to fill in cfg.coordsys field. guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonCoregisterMRI. ---% %--------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonCoregisterMRI_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.PreprocMRI) msgbox('Warning: Add and select SubjID first.', 'Warning:') return; end % Load MRI file: SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if ~exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') msgbox('Warning: MRI file for SubjID has not been read into FT yet.', 'Warning:') return; end MRIdata = LoadFTmat(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); if isempty(MRIdata) msgbox('Error: Failed to load PreprocMRI file for SubjID. See ErrorLog.', 'Error:') return; end % Check for coordsys (coregistration): if isfield(MRIdata, 'coordsys') prompt = {'WARNING:'; ''; 'Field "coordsys" detected. MRI may already be coregistered.'; 'If so, it is recommended you DO NOT coregister again.'; ''; 'If you wish to redo the coregistration, go back and click the'; '"Clear Subj FT MRI" button first.'; ''; 'Do you wish to continue and run coregistration again?'; ''}; RunCoreg = questdlg(prompt, 'WARNING:', 'YES', 'NO', 'NO'); if strcmp(RunCoreg, 'NO') return; end end % Show instructions: if handles.gui.ShowInstruct == 1; Instructions = {'----------------------------'; 'COREGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS:'; '----------------------------'; ''; 'NOTE:'; 'If the crosshair does not appear, push "C" to toggle its visibility.'; ''; ''; 'IMPORTANT:'; ' Push "F" to toggle FIDUCIAL & LANDMARK visibility: When you place'; ' fiducials and landmarks, they should appear as coloured circles.'; ''; ''; 'If placing FIDUCIALS (ex: for CTF):'; ' 1) Push "F" to toggle fiducial visibility if it is not on.'; ' 2) Place fiducials with keys: "L" (left), "R" (right), and "N" (nasion).'; ' 3) Set extra Z-point in positive Z-coordinates using "Z" (see below).'; ' 4) Once finished, push "Q" to save the coregistration.'; ''; ' In most cases, Z-point can normally be placed at the top-of-head.'; ' Additional Z-point ensures left & right fiducials are not flipped.'; ' Note: Only works with MRI formats supported by Fieldtrip.'; ''; ''; 'If placing LANDMARKS (ex: for SPM):'; ' 1) Place landmarks with keys: "A", "P", and "Z".'; ' 2) Once finished, push "Q" to save the coregistration.'; ''; ''; ''}; Show = questdlg(Instructions, 'INSTRUCTIONS:', 'OK', 'Don''t show again', 'OK'); if strcmp(Show, 'Don''t show again') handles.gui.ShowInstruct = 0; end end % Get target coordinate system from coordsys dropdown: % Note: Defaults to "ctf" or "spm" if cfg.coordsys is left empty. DropdownOptions = get(handles.DropdownCoordsys, 'String'); CoregCoordsys = DropdownOptions{get(handles.DropdownCoordsys, 'Value')}; ViableOptions = {'ctf', 'spm', 'tal', '4d', 'yokogawa', 'neuromag', 'itab'}; if ismember(CoregCoordsys, ViableOptions) cfgRealign.coordsys = CoregCoordsys; else error('Unrecognized Option.'); % error-check end % Coregister anatomy: cfgRealign.method = 'interactive'; cfgRealign.parameter = 'anatomy'; MRIdata = ft_volumerealign(cfgRealign, MRIdata); CheckSavePath(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); save(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'MRIdata'); % Update GUI: handles = DetectStatus (handles, SubjIndex); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonCheckCoordsys. ---% %--------------------------------------------------------% function ButtonCheckCoordsys_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.PreprocMRI) msgbox('Warning: Add and select SubjID first.', 'Warning:') return; end % Load MRI file: SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if ~exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') msgbox('Warning: MRI file for SubjID has not been read into FT yet.', 'Warning:') return; end MRIdata = LoadFTmat(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); if isempty(MRIdata) msgbox('Error: Failed to load PreprocMRI file for SubjID. See ErrorLog.', 'Error:') return; end % Check coregistration: ft_determine_coordsys(MRIdata, 'interactive', 'no'); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonPlotMRI. ---% %--------------------------------------------------% function ButtonPlotMRI_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.PreprocMRI) msgbox('Warning: Add and select SubjID first.', 'Warning:') return; end % Load MRI file: SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if ~exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') msgbox('Warning: MRI file for SubjID has not been read into FT yet.', 'Warning:') return; end CheckInput = CheckPipelineMat(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); if CheckInput == 0 msgbox('Error: Failed to load PreprocMRI file for SubjID. See ErrorLog.', 'Error:') return; end % Plot MRI in ortho view: cfgPlot.method = 'ortho'; cfgPlot.anaparameter = 'anatomy'; cfgPlot.location = 'center'; cfgPlot.crosshair = 'yes'; cfgPlot.interactive = 'no'; cfgPlot.axis = 'on'; cfgPlot.inputfile = handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}; ft_sourceplot(cfgPlot); %--- Executes on button press in ButtonResliceMRI. ---% %-----------------------------------------------------% function ButtonResliceMRI_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) if isempty( || isempty(handles.paths.PreprocMRI) msgbox('Warning: Add and select SubjID first.', 'Warning:') return; end % Check for required inputs: FTcfg = handles.FTcfg; if isempty(FTcfg.Reslice.resolution) msgbox('Warning: Specify resolution in physical units for resliced MRI.'); return; end if get(handles.ButtonResliceCustomRange, 'Value') == 1 if isempty(FTcfg.Reslice.xrange) || ... isempty(FTcfg.Reslice.yrange) || isempty(FTcfg.Reslice.zrange) msgbox('Warning: XYZ ranges not specified.'); return; end XRange = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceXRange, 'String')); if ~isequal(size(XRange), [1 2]) || (XRange(1) > XRange(2)) set(handles.TextboxResliceXRange, 'String', []); msgbox('Error: X-range should be: [min max] physical units.', 'Error:') return; end YRange = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceYRange, 'String')); if ~isequal(size(YRange), [1 2]) || (YRange(1) > YRange(2)) set(handles.TextboxResliceYRange, 'String', []); msgbox('Error: Y-range should be: [min max] physical units.', 'Error:') return; end ZRange = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceZRange, 'String')); if ~isequal(size(ZRange), [1 2]) || (ZRange(1) > ZRange(2)) set(handles.TextboxResliceZRange, 'String', []); msgbox('Error: Z-range should be: [min max] physical units.', 'Error:') return; end end if get(handles.ButtonResliceCustomDims, 'Value') == 1 && isempty(FTcfg.Reslice.dim) msgbox('Warning: Custom dimensions not specified.'); return; end % Load selected MRI file: SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if ~exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') msgbox('Warning: MRI file for SubjID has not been read into FT yet.', 'Warning:') return; end MRIdata = LoadFTmat(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); if isempty(MRIdata) msgbox('Error: Failed to load PreprocMRI file for SubjID. See ErrorLog.', 'Error:') return; end % Reslice MRI: WaitBox = StartWaitBox('RESLICING MRI:'); MRIdata = ft_volumereslice(FTcfg.Reslice, MRIdata); close(WaitBox); % Plot resliced MRI for user to check: cfgPlot.method = 'ortho'; cfgPlot.anaparameter = 'anatomy'; cfgPlot.location = 'center'; cfgPlot.crosshair = 'yes'; cfgPlot.interactive = 'no'; cfgPlot.axis = 'on'; ft_sourceplot(cfgPlot, MRIdata); % Ask user if resliced MRI should be saved: KeepReslice = questdlg('Keep resliced MRI or revert back to previous?', ... 'SAVE RESLICE?', 'KEEP', 'REVERT', 'REVERT'); if strcmp(KeepReslice, 'KEEP') close(1); CheckSavePath(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'PreprocMRI'); save(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'MRIdata'); else close(1); return; end % Update GUI: handles = DetectStatus (handles, SubjIndex); handles = UpdateStatusSettings (handles); % Save handles: guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Executes when selected object is changed in PanelResliceMRISettings. ---% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------% function PanelResliceMRISettings_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); guidata(hObject, handles); %--- User enters X-range for reslice here: ---% %---------------------------------------------% function TextboxResliceXRange_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); guidata(hObject, handles); %--- User enters Y-range for reslice here: ---% %---------------------------------------------% function TextboxResliceYRange_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); guidata(hObject, handles); %--- User enters Z-range for reslice here: ---% %---------------------------------------------% function TextboxResliceZRange_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); guidata(hObject, handles); %--- User enters custom volume dimensions for reslice here: ---% %--------------------------------------------------------------% function TextboxResliceCustomDims_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) ResliceDims = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceCustomDims, 'String')); if ~isequal(size(ResliceDims), [1 3]) set(handles.TextboxResliceCustomDims, 'String', '256, 256, 256'); msgbox('Error: Dim. of volume should be specified as: [nx, ny, nz].', 'Error:') return; end handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); guidata(hObject, handles); %--- User enters resolution for reslice here (physical units): ---% %-----------------------------------------------------------------% function TextboxResliceRes_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) prompt = {'WARNING:'; 'Are you sure you wish to change resolution of MRI?'; 'Should not change resolution unless required.'}; ChangeRes = questdlg(prompt, 'WARNING:', 'YES', 'NO', 'NO'); if strcmp(ChangeRes, 'NO') set(handles.TextboxResliceRes, 'String', '1'); return; end ResliceRes = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceRes, 'String')); if ~isequal(size(ResliceRes), [1 1]) set(handles.TextboxResliceRes, 'String', '1'); msgbox('Error: Resolution should be single # in physical units.', 'Error:') return; end handles = UpdatePreprocSettings(handles); guidata(hObject, handles); %--- Updates PreprocMRI settings & GUI panel: ---% %------------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = UpdatePreprocSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; FTcfg = handles.FTcfg; % Update reslice settings: FTcfg.Reslice = []; FTcfg.Reslice.resolution = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceRes, 'String')); if get(handles.ButtonResliceCustomDims, 'Value') == 1 FTcfg.Reslice.dim = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceCustomDims, 'String')); elseif get(handles.ButtonResliceCustomRange, 'Value') == 1 FTcfg.Reslice.xrange = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceXRange, 'String')); FTcfg.Reslice.yrange = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceYRange, 'String')); FTcfg.Reslice.zrange = str2num(get(handles.TextboxResliceZRange, 'String')); end % Enable/Disable GUI components: set(handles.ButtonReadMRItoFT, 'Enable', 'on'); set(handles.ButtonClearMRI, 'Enable', 'on'); set(handles.ButtonCheckTransformHand, 'Enable', 'on'); set(handles.ButtonCoregisterMRI, 'Enable', 'on'); set(handles.ButtonCheckCoordsys, 'Enable', 'on'); set(handles.ButtonPlotMRI, 'Enable', 'on'); set(handles.ButtonResliceMRI, 'Enable', 'on'); set(findall(handles.PanelResliceMRISettings, '-property', 'Enable'), 'Enable', 'on'); SubjIndex = get(handles.ListboxSubjID, 'Value'); if isempty(handles.paths.PreprocMRI) || ~exist(handles.paths.PreprocMRI{SubjIndex}, 'file') set(handles.ButtonClearMRI, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.ButtonCheckTransformHand, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.ButtonCoregisterMRI, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.ButtonCheckCoordsys, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.ButtonPlotMRI, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.ButtonResliceMRI, 'Enable', 'off'); set(findall(handles.PanelResliceMRISettings, '-property', 'Enable'), 'Enable', 'off'); end if get(handles.ButtonResliceDefaultDims, 'Value') == 1 set(handles.TextboxResliceXRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextboxResliceYRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextboxResliceZRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextboxResliceCustomDims, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextXRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextYRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextZRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextResliceCustomDims, 'Enable', 'off'); elseif get(handles.ButtonResliceCustomDims, 'Value') == 1 set(handles.TextboxResliceXRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextboxResliceYRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextboxResliceZRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextXRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextYRange, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextZRange, 'Enable', 'off'); elseif get(handles.ButtonResliceCustomRange, 'Value') == 1 set(handles.TextboxResliceCustomDims, 'Enable', 'off'); set(handles.TextResliceCustomDims, 'Enable', 'off'); end % Set output handles: handles.FTcfg = FTcfg; OutputHandles = handles; %--- Reset PreprocMRI settings % GUI panel: ---% %----------------------------------------------% function OutputHandles = ResetPreprocSettings(InputHandles) handles = InputHandles; % Reset GUI reslice: set(handles.ButtonResliceDefaultDims, 'Value', 1); set(handles.TextboxResliceXRange, 'String', []); set(handles.TextboxResliceYRange, 'String', []); set(handles.TextboxResliceZRange, 'String', []); set(handles.TextboxResliceCustomDims, 'String', '256, 256, 256'); set(handles.TextboxResliceRes, 'String', '1'); % Set output handles: OutputHandles = handles; %=================================% % FUNCTION TO OPEN MODAL WAITBOX: % %=================================% function WaitBox = StartWaitBox(TextString) WaitBox = dialog('Units', 'pixels', 'Position', [500 500 300 40],... 'Windowstyle', 'modal', 'NextPlot', 'new', 'Name', 'Please Wait:'); uicontrol('Parent', WaitBox, 'Units', 'pixels', 'Position', [20 10 250 20],... 'Style', 'text', 'String', TextString, 'FontWeight', 'bold'); movegui(WaitBox, 'center'); %============================% % GUIDE CREATEFCN FUNCTIONS: % %============================% % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxRootpath_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxAnatID_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxGroupID_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function ListboxSubjID_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxSubjID_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function ListboxInputAnat_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function ListboxStatus_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function DropdownCoordsys_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxResliceRes_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxResliceCustomDims_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxResliceXRange_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxResliceYRange_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function TextboxResliceZRange_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end